The Burning Questions
  • Would you use ChatGPT on a daily basis as a GTM leader?
  • Are you skeptical about the effectiveness of ChatGPT?
  • Are you willing to pay an enterprise price for ChatGPT enabled software?
  • Do you trust your team to leverage OpenAI-based on IP risks?
  • Do you think AI will ever get as good as a human operator for basic GTM tasks?
  • Do you currently have a subscription to ChatGPT?
  • Will you ban ChatGPT inside your workplace until further controls?
  • Do you believe that AI will replace jobs or create them?
Anonymized Answers /
Radical Candor

ChatGPT is the Wild Wild West right now, unregulated, misunderstood, and DIY. What are the implications on the modern Enterprise? Will executives pay a premium for this stuff, will it get regulated, will it create or kill off jobs? GTM Leaders responded anonymously so we can get to the bottom of what’s really going on giving you the “skinny.”

Would you use ChatGPT on a daily basis as a GTM leader?


1,530 responses



524 responses


Are you skeptical about the effectiveness of СhatGPT?


1,006 responses



1,048 responses
